Bill Damery

Panel Discussion on the Proposed Bridge Construction on the Union Pacific Railroad Causeway as Mitigation for closing the East and West Culverts.
How Those Actively Involved in the Great Salt Lake Can Participate in the 401 Water Quality Certification Process.
Bill has over 25 years of water quality related experience in surface and ground water issues in Utah. He is currently responsible for 401 Water Quality Certification and NEPA Compliance in the Division of Water Quality. Prior work experience includes marine seismic exploration, earthquake risk assessment studies, aquifer classification and vulnerability mapping statewide. Beside his work at UDEQ, Bill continues to strive each spring to keep his oars straight and his river raft right side up. Bill holds degrees from Ferris State College in math and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in geophysics.

Pink Like the Pacific by Charles Uibel