Joel Karmazyn

Sevier Lake: A Lake or a Dust Bowl?
The Sevier Desert and lake region contains many low lying areas with dry lake beds (playa). The playa areas consist of evaporate material of silt and clay bed deposits. The Sevier Lake bed has mostly been dry throughout recorded history. Water diversion of the Sevier River, a tributary of the Lake, also serves to limit lake levels. These dry lake beds are a source of wind-blown dust in dust storms that frequently impact the Wasatch Front. This presentation will describe the annual dust storms and the impact upon the Wasatch Front air quality.
Joel Karmazyn is an environmental scientist at the Utah Division of Air Quality, where he is responsible for policy and planning of minor emission sources, including fugitive dust and wood smoke. Joel collaborates with researchers at the US Geological Survey in monitoring the annual Great Basin dust storms that impact air quality in the Wasatch Front.

This View Is Precious by Charles Uibel