January 09, 2023

Comment to Oppose the Salt Lake City Northpoint Warehouse District

Salt Lake City is considering zoning changes to allow extensive warehouse development in the Northpoint community (northeast of the airport), similar to the inland port warehouse development occurring west of the airport.

This proposal would degrade critical habitat for vulnerable migratory birds, contribute to air pollution that disproportionately affects Westside communities, and displace current residents.

At the Salt Lake City Planning Commission meeting on January 11, many community members and conservation leaders spoke in opposition of this zoning change. The Commission voted to table the upzoning proposal until the Salt Lake City Council votes on the new Northpoint Small Area Master Plan. This City Council meeting will be the next opportunity for community members to comment, and we'll share more details as they become available.

Click here to read the comment submitted by our Executive Director, Lynn de Freitas.

You can also sign this petition opposing the upzoning.

Learn more about the Northpoint Warehouse District proposal here.