Anna Rasmuson

PhD candidate - Department of Geology and Geophysics

University of Utah


Anna Rasmuson is a PhD candidates in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah. She works under the direction of Dr. William Johnson studying the fate and transport of contaminants through groundwater and aquatic systems. Anna has a background in colloidal transport specifically researching the role of nanoscale surface heterogeneity on larger scale movement of contaminants in the subsurface.

Anna was hired as a part of a Technical Advisory Group for FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake concerning the US Magnesium LLC Superfund Site.

Title: An Overview of the US Magnesim Superfund Site

11:35am - Friday, May 13th

Abstract: US Magnesium LLC was added to the National Priority List in November, 2009 based on a high hazard ranking system score. The facility is located southwest of the Great Salt Lake in Tooele County, Utah. Elevated dioxins/furans, PCBs (poly chlorinated biphenyl), and HCBs (hexachlorobenzene) have been measured in soil and groundwater on the site, and are among contaminants of potential concern. Chlorine gas, volatile organic compounds, and trace element emission to air also pose potential concerns. In addition to adverse health effects for human populations contacting the site, these contaminants could pose risk to the surrounding ecosystem including birds, mammals, aquatic and terrestrial plants. Site progress and future remediation steps for the US Magnesium LLC Superfund Site will also be discussed.