Thomas A. Holstrom

Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility: Water, Earth and Fire-Challenges and Opportunities
This presentation will provide a review of water quality mandates that prompted construction of the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) in the 1980’s and an overview of the facility’s capital upgrades and current capabilities. Water quality from the facility will be related to the Mill Creek/Jordan River receiving water standards and downstream Farmington Bay. Recycled water opportunities and impediments will be discussed, as the facility produces over 56,000 acre feet of finished effluent annually. CVWRF’s recently adopted Mission Statement includes resource recovery and sustainability as new goals for the future. To this end, the facility’s solids management program and energy recovery features will be highlighted, with discussion of new initiatives aimed at purposeful recycling of biosolids and at becoming a “carbon neutral” or net-zero energy consuming facility.